K& D Accurate Taxes LLC

We are now E-filing in all 50 states.

We are now E-filing in all 50 states.

Whether you’re looking to file your Individual or Business Tax Return, K&D Accurate Taxes is here to assist in any aspect of the Tax Industry.

Our number one goal at K&D Accurate Taxes is to provide a luxury tax filing experience. We understand how important it is to have a trusted, professional tax preparer who is highly educated in the tax industry and who knows how important it is to establish great client relationships. Also, a Tax Guru who is knowledgeable on current tax laws all while staying compliant to deliver you the best results when e-filing your tax return. Here at K&D Accurate Taxes our relationships are built on trust but most importantly, we value you and your future. We are here to assist you and your family this tax season and many more seasons to come.